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Coin Albums for Collectors

We offer a wide variety of coin albums in classic and modern designs. All our albums and coin sheets are archival quality, providing the safest environment for your collection. Each system offers an extensive assortment of matching supplementary sheets and pockets. Whatever you choose it can grow with your collection. Whether you are a beginner, casual collector, investor, or advanced collector with specific requirements, LIGHTHOUSE offers a collection system for virtually every need.

Our coin albums are available for all popular coin sizes as well as for the specialty coins. You can purchase a complete with coin sheets album or choose an empty binder and add coin sheets and pockets as you desire.

Coin albums

50 Items

CLASSIC GRANDE 3-ring Binder, incl.Slipcase
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
CLASSIC GRANDE 3-ring Albums with ENCAP Pages, incl. Slipcase
from $57.95 $59.85
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
GRANDE F padded 3-ring albums with ENCAP pages
from $39.95 $42.85
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
GRANDE F Padded binder
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
CLASSIC GRANDE G Coin Album Set with ENCAP PAGES for Slabs
$74.95 $83.80
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
CLASSIC GRANDE USA Binder with Slipcase
$51.95 $59.95
order now – delivery in 6-8 weeks
Classic GRANDE USA Album Set with ENCAP Pages, incl. Slipcase
from $61.95
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
CLASSIC GRANDE Canada binder with slipcase
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Classic GRANDE Canada Album Set with ENCAP Pages, incl. Slipcase
from $61.95
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
from $6.25
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
ENCAP Clear Pages
from $5.95
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Ringbinder OPTIMA, in classic design
from $43.95
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Ringbinder OPTIMA GIGANT, incl. slipcase
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Ringbinder OPTIMA F, incl. slipcase,
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Ringbinder OPTIMA classic design GIGANT, incl. slipcase
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
OPTIMA EASY ring binder, blue
order now – delivery in 6-8 weeks
World Money album, with 5 different OPTIMA coin sheets, blue
order now – delivery in 6-8 weeks
Slipcase for ringbinder OPTIMA, in classic design
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
OPTIMA Classic coin album, incl. 10 OPTIMA sheets
from $59.95 $65.85
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
OPTIMA EASY Clear Stock Pages, pack of 50
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Coin sheets OPTIMA
from $14.95
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
OPTIMA Interleaves, black
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
NUMIS Classic Ring Binder with Slipcase
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
NUMIS Classic Coin Album with 5 Sheets and Interleaves with Slipcase
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
NUMIS Coin Albums with 5 Coin Sheets and Interleaves
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
NUMIS Coin Sheets
from $14.95
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
NUMIS Banknotes and Postcards Sheets
order now – delivery in 6-8 weeks
NUMIS Interleaves
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
from $10.95
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
VISTA National Park Quarter Coin Album with slipcase
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
VISTA American Eagle Silver Dollars coin album with slipcase
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Coin Album PRESSO, for National Park Quarters
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Pocket album COINS with sliding inserts for 48 coins.
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Pocket Coin Album for up to 48 Coins
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Pocket Coin Album up to 48 Coins
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Pocket Coin Album up to 96 Coins
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Pocket Coin Albumt up to 60 Coin Flips
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Coin Album for up to 200 Coin Flips
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Challenge Coin Album
$24.95 $23.95
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Zipper Folder KURT for OPTIMA or GRANDE Sheets
from $33.95
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Album for Pressed Pennies / Elongated Coins
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
VISTA BOOK Canada Coins
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Coin Wallet for 12 Euro Coin Sets, blue
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Blank Page for US Quarters
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days
Blank Page for American Silver Eagle Album
order now – delivery in 6-8 weeks
PRESENT Album Stand
Item in stock, ships within 2 business days