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MAXIMUM stock pages

Item number: 800320

Oversized stock pages, available with clear (C), black (S), or white (W) backing film. Highly transparent, welded pockets provide extra security: all items are fully enclosed - for optimum protection. Pockets come in a large variety of dimensions, making pages suitable for mint sheets, regular or historic postcards. All materials are acid-free and contain no harmful softeners. Suitable black interleaves (ZWL) are available in the same size.

Overall size: 13 ¾ x 13 ¼" (350 x 335 mm).

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TLS1.3, high level encryption (AES-256, 256 Bit)

2 variants are available

For new postcards (148 x 105 mm)
(pack of 5)
(160 x 105 mm)

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from $19.95
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For old postcards (148 x 95 mm)
(pack of 5)
(1720148 x 205 148 x 95 mm)

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from $19.95
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