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Our collector's service

We make (almost) everything possible for you!

Philately and numismatics are hobbies with a long tradition and established rules. For this reason, collectors expect us to stick to proven products and familiar systems. This also applies to the quality of accessories and service. But stamp and coin collecting is always in a state of flux: new collectibles appear, collecting habits change. LEUCHTTURM responds to new trends with products that meet customers' wishes.

Our collector's service

You can reach us

Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tel.: (888) 269-1513

Fax: (201) 342 - 7142

Information on ordering individual pages

Are you missing a few pages to complete your illustrated country album? Or did one of your pages get stained? LIGHTHOUSE may still have the pages available individually. While we cannot guarantee availability for each and every album, we will do our utmost to locate the missing pages. Most likely, we will have to special-order an individual page from our headquarter warehouse in Germany which typically takes 6 - 8 weeks. Important: For your inquiry regarding individual pages we need the exact country, year and page you are looking for. The page number is located on the bottom of each page. The prices for the LIGHTHOUSE and KABE individual pages are only: $ 9.95 for a page with mounts $ 8.95 for a page without mounts These prices include order handling, ocean freight and import processing but are exclusive of Shipping & Handling in the United States. Entire years of a country album are charged as individual pages if the respective year is more than 3 years in the past. Please call our Customer Service if you have any questions or to send a page inquiry.